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The 2024 Mainland Court Internship Program for Hong Kong and Macau Law Students Kicks Off at CUPL

Published:2024-06-22 | Views:

On the morning of June 17, the opening ceremony of the 2024 Mainland Court Internship Program for Hong Kong and Macau Law Students was held at the Haidian campus of China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL). 54 law students from six universities - The University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, University of Macau, Macau University of Science and Technology, and City University of Macau - participated in this program. The ceremony was attended by Prof. Ma Huaide, President of CUPL, and Yu Xiangjun, Deputy Director-General of the Eighth Bureau of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, both of whom delivered speeches. Vice President Lu Chunlong hosted the ceremony.

(Prof. Ma delivering a welcome speech, photo by Lu Yunkai)

In his welcome speech, Prof. Ma warmly greeted the Hong Kong and Macau university students, highlighting CUPL's development, academic programs, research achievements, social contribution, and cooperation with Hong Kong and Macau universities. He emphasized the importance of strengthening legal education exchanges with Hong Kong and Macau, increasing the enrollment of students from these regions, and building a platform for legal education exchange between the mainland of China, Hong Kong, and Macau. Prof. Ma expressed his hope that the students would cherish the opportunity provided by the internship program, listen, observe, think, and exchange ideas, and deeply appreciate the fruitful achievements of the Chinese modernization. He encouraged them to thoroughly understand the country's judicial system and legal developments, ultimately contributing to the socioeconomic development and the rule of law of Hong Kong and Macau.

 (Yu Xiangjun delivering a speech, photo by Lu Yunkai)

Yu Xiangjun warmly welcomed the students from Hong Kong and Macau to Beijing for this exchange and internship program and congratulated them on the successful start of the project. He emphasized that President Xi Jinping has high expectations for young people and that every youngster from Hong Kong and Macau should actively participate in the development of their regions, using their vibrant youth to create a remarkable life.

Prof. Lu provided an overview of the five-week internship program, including professional coursework, on-site teaching, visits and exchanges, and court internships. He expressed gratitude for the extensive guidance and strong support provided by various government agencies during the planning stages of the program.

(Group photo of the opening ceremony, photo by Lu Yunkai)