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CUPL Delegation Visits Thailand and Singapore to Promote High-standard Educational Opening Up

Published:2024-06-25 | Views:

From June 13 to 18, Li Xiuyun, Vice President of China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), led a delegation to Thailand and Singapore. The delegation met with representatives from Thammasat University, Bangkok Thonburi University, and the National University of Singapore. The delegation also visited the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Thailand, the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Singapore, as well as the W&H Law Firm in Bangkok. The visit included attending the inauguration ceremony of the CUPL Singapore Alumni Association. This marks the first outbound visit by a CUPL delegation to Asian countries since the Covid-19 pandemic, aiming to unite CUPL alumni aboard, enhance the university's international influence, strengthen friendly relations with Asian universities, deepen cooperation, and promote high-standard educational opening up.

On June 14, the delegation began their visit to Thailand accompanied by Xu Lan, Education Counselor of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Thailand, First Secretary Wang Huan, and translator Lin Weizhen.

In the morning, the delegation first visited Thammasat University, meeting with Usanee Lertrattananon, the incoming Assistant President and Deputy Director of the International Office, and Amnart Tangkiriphimarn, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law. Usanee warmly welcomed the delegation and introduced Thammasat University's scale, international curriculum, and legal education. Usanee also expressed the hope to establish ties with CUPL.

(CUPL delegation visiting Thammasat University)


Li Xiuyun introduced CUPL's history, achievements, and globalizing efforts. She highlighted the significant potential for cooperation in shared mission, student exchanges, and the development of international courses between CUPL and Thammasat University. Xu Lan, representing the Chinese Embassy, expressed hopes for comprehensive cooperation based on mutual agreements.

In the afternoon, the delegation visited Bangkok Thonburi University and met with President Bangorn Benjathikul and Associate Vice President Lin Xu. Bangorn Benjathikul appreciated the visit, believing it would provide more opportunities for future cooperation. Li Xiuyun noted Thailand's importance as a key ASEAN country and a significant partner for China in Asia. She highlighted the existing foundation of collaboration between CUPL and Bangkok Thonburi University in law and other disciplines. Xu Lan expressed heartfelt thanks to Bangkok Thonburi University for their strong support of the embassy and anticipated more fruitful cooperation. CUPL and Bangkok Thonburi University signed a Memorandum of Understanding on International Education Exchange and a Joint PhD Program Cooperation Agreement, marking the debut of broader and deeper cooperation.

(CUPL and Bangkok Thonburi University signing cooperation agreements)

On June 15, the delegation visited the Chinese Embassy in Thailand, discussing higher education exchange and cooperation, foreign-related legal talent cultivation, and strengthening country-specific research with Ambassador Han Zhiqiang, Education Counselor Xu Lan, and First Secretary Wang Huan. Ambassador Han Zhiqiang expressed his support for CUPL and hoped the delegation would promote educational cooperation with Thai universities and institutions.

(Delegation visiting the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Thailand)

The delegation then visited W&H Law Firm in Bangkok to discuss potential university-enterprise cooperation with alumni.

After Thailand, the delegation arrived in Singapore. On June 17, they visited the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Singapore. Minister Counsellor Han Jun, First Secretary Wang Yong, and Third Secretary Pan Chenwei met with the delegation. Minister Counsellor Han Jun warmly welcomed the delegation and briefed the delegation on the status quo in Singapore as well as China-Singapore educational exchange and cooperation. Pan Chenwei briefed the delegation on Singapore's education system. Li Xiuyun shared the purpose of the visit, emphasizing it was the first post-pandemic university delegation visit to Asian countries, and introduced CUPL's exchange activities with Singaporean universities and the establishment of the Singapore Alumni Association. Han Jun hoped the delegation would actively promote high-standard educational exchanges between China and Singapore.

(Delegation visiting the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Singapore)

The inauguration ceremony for the CUPL Singapore Alumni Association was held in the afternoon. The delegation, representatives of other university alumni associations, the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce, and CUPL alumni in Singapore attended the ceremony.

Liu Pai, Secretary General of the Singapore Alumni Association and a 2010 alumnus, introduced the association's purpose, organizational structure, and future plans. Li Xiuyun expressed heartfelt thanks on behalf of the university to the alumni and representatives who have supported CUPL's development. She congratulated the establishment of the Singapore Alumni Association and reviewed the university's history and recent developments. She encouraged alumni in Singapore to remember their identity as members of CUPL, practice the school motto, and contribute to the region's economic and cultural development.

Cynthia Zhang, President of the Singapore Alumni Association and a 1997 alumna, thanked the alma mater and supporters. She stated that the Singapore Alumni Association would serve as a home for alumni, promote the university's spirit, facilitate exchanges and cooperation, and enhance CUPL's global influence. Representatives from other university alumni associations also congratulated the establishment of the association.

During the plaque awarding ceremony, Li Xiuyun presented a plaque inscribed with "China University of Political Science and Law Singapore Alumni Association" to the association, CUPL's expectations and support for its overseas alumni in Singapore.

(Xiuyun Li presenting the plaque to the Singapore Alumni Association of CUPL)

The Singapore Alumni Association is CUPL's sixth overseas alumni association and the first in Southeast Asia. The inauguration is a milestone for CUPL ’s global alumni network. Its establishment will enhance communication, cooperation, and mutual learning between CUPL and Singaporean universities, research institutions, and legal practice departments, promoting foreign-related legal talent cultivation.

On June 18, the delegation visited the National University of Singapore (NUS), meeting with Justin Jerzy Tan, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law, Han Cheng, Chief Strategy Officer, and Lawrence Loh, Director of the Centre for Governance and Sustainability. The two sides discussed renewing agreements, sending young scholars for doctoral studies, joint PhD programs, establishing cooperative educational projects, and organizing seminars and short-term training, reaching a consensus on these topics.

(Delegation visiting the National University of Singapore)

This visit, led by CUPL administrators, marks the first time they have visited Southeast Asian countries in recent years. It consolidated existing partnerships, developed new cooperative partnerships, The visit has achieved fruitful outcomes.

The CUPL delegation included Liu Linlin, Director of the Publicity Department; Wang Chengxin, Executive Deputy Director of the United Front Work Department of CPC; Li Huan, Director of the Alumni Work Office, and Liu Yuyuan, Section Chief of the Comprehensive and Information Management Section of the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange.