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Vice President Susana Vegas of UEDP Peru Visits CUPL

Published:2024-05-29 | Views:

On the morning of May 23, Vice President Lu Chunlong of China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) welcomed Susana Vegas, Vice President of the University of Piura (UDEP) Peru, at CUPL’s Haidian campus. Accompanying Susana Vegas were Ernesto Calderón, Director of International Relations; Jorge Machacuay Arévalo, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering; and Ma Zheng, Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute at Piura University. The meeting was attended by CUPL faculty from relevant departments.


Vice President Lu extended a warm welcome to Susana Vegas and her delegation on behalf of CUPL. He provided an overview of CUPL's history, academic strengths, and international collaborations, reflecting on the past engagements and agreements signed between the two institutions. He emphasized Peru's significance in CUPL's South American partnerships and expressed optimism that the new agreement would foster faculty and student exchanges, as well as research collaboration. He anticipated that both universities would fully implement the agreement, engaging in substantive cooperation in areas such as academic exchanges, degree programs, and joint research initiatives, to enhance cultural exchanges between China and Peru.

Prof. Li Juqian offered a comprehensive overview of CUPL's academic departments and disciplines, highlighting the remarkable achievements of CUPL students in international moot court competitions. Prof. Zhang Liying acknowledged the expertise of the Confucius Institute at UEDP in teaching and curriculum development, expressing eagerness to exchange insights and experiences regarding the establishment and operation of Confucius Institutes.

Susana Vegas expressed her gratitude for the warm reception from CUPL. She detailed UEDP's history, scale, and academic offerings, including the status of its Law Department and Confucius Institute. She highlighted the enduring relationship between China and Peru and China's role as a vital trade partner. UEDP places great importance on the study of Chinese culture and looks forward to expanding collaboration with CUPL in areas of shared interest, inviting Chinese counterparts to visit and share knowledge.


Following a thorough discussion on various topics, Vice President Lu and Vice President Susana Vegas formalized the two universities' commitment to cooperation by signing a memorandum of understanding.