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CUPL Launches "Law + Economics" Dual Bachelor's Degree Program

Published:2024-05-29 | Views:

China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) has recently received the green light from the Beijing Municipal Academic Degrees Committee to launch its innovative "Law + Economics" dual bachelor's degree program. This initiative is part of the 2024 Comprehensive Talent Training Projects and Joint Bachelor's Degree Programs, marking a milestone in CUPL's ongoing efforts to reform undergraduate education.

The introduction of this dual degree program represents a strategic move by CUPL to integrate the robust academic strengths of both law and economics. The curriculum is designed to develop well-rounded professionals who possess a deep sense of political responsibility, a mastery of professional skills, and a comprehensive grasp of knowledge across both disciplines.

From the year 2025, prospective students will have the opportunity to join this program through the national college entrance examination. Upon successful completion and fulfillment of all necessary requirements, graduates will be awarded a dual bachelor's degree in law and economics, setting them on a path to excel in their chosen careers with a unique interdisciplinary edge.