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The 2024 Tokyo Youth Delegation for China-Japan Friendship Visits CUPL on Their First Day in Beijing

Published:2024-05-30 | Views:

On May 27, the 2024 Tokyo Youth Delegation for China-Japan Friendship, led by Tokichiro Utsunomiya, President of the Tokyo Japan-China Friendship Association, commenced their Beijing visit with an exchange at China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL). The 100-member delegation was accompanied by Jiao Yutong, Vice President of the Beijing People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries. CUPL Vice President Lu Chunlong attended the exchange event and delivered a speech. Over 100 CUPL faculty and student representatives from the School of Civil, Commercial, and Economic Law, the School of Political Science and Public Administration, the School of Humanities, and the School of Foreign Studies participated in the exchange. The CUPL Office of International Cooperation and Exchange organized the event with support from various departments.

(CUPL Vice President Lu Chunlong delivering a welcome speech, photo by Lu Yunkai)

In his welcome speech, Vice President Lu Chunlong extended a warm welcome to the delegation, offering insights into CUPL's distinguished history, academic strengths, and international engagement, with a special nod to the university's Japanese language program and its pivotal role in Sino-Japanese exchanges. He celebrated the millennia-old cultural ties between China and Japan, characterized by mutual learning and cultural influence. Lu encouraged the delegates to immerse themselves in Chinese culture, forge lasting bonds with CUPL's community, and consider further studies in China to enrich their professional expertise and contribute to the enduring friendship between the two nations.

 (Tokichiro Utsunomiya delivering a speech, photo by Lu Yunkai)

Tokichiro Utsunomiya thanked the Beijing People’s Association for the invitation and CUPL for the warm welcome and meticulous event planning. He noted the delegation's diverse academic backgrounds from various Japanese universities and their enthusiasm for the CUPL exchange, marking the beginning of their China visit. Utsunomiya stressed the significance of fostering mutual understanding between the peoples of China and Japan and looked forward to substantive discussions on contemporary topics among the youth of both nations.

 (The 2024 Tokyo Youth Delegation for China-Japan Friendship, photo by Lu Yunkai)

The event was covered by media outlets such as People’s China, Beijing Daily, and