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Qian Duan Sheng Law Research Achievements Award is Presented at Forum on the Rule of Law in China, Exploring the Construction of China’s Independent Legal Knowledge System

Published:2024-01-10 | Views:

The Qian Duansheng Law Research Achievements Award Ceremony and Forum on the Rule of Law in China, hosted by China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), was held on December 12, 2023, at the Haidian Campus of CUPL.

Gao Mingxuan, Professor of Beijing Normal University, Zhang Wenxian, Member of the Party Group and Director of the Academic Committee of the China Law Society, Director of the Qian Duansheng Law Research Achievements Award Committee, Xu Xianming, Vice President of the China Law Society, Chairman of the Teaching Committee of Law Majors in Higher Education Institution of the Ministry of Education, Director of the Qian Duansheng Law Research Achievements Award Committee, Xu Anbiao, Deputy Director of the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), as well as Liu Guixiang, Standing Member of the Adjudication Committee of Supreme People's Court (vice-minister level), Grand Justice of the Second Rank, Miao Shengming, Standing Member of the Procuratorial Committee of Supreme People’s Procuratorate (vice-minister level), Grand Procurator of the Second Rank, Huang Yi, Member of the Party Group and Director General of the Political Department of the Ministry of Justice, attended the meeting. Hu Ming, Council Chair of CUPL, Ma Huaide, President of CUPL and Council Chair of Qian Duansheng Law Research Achievements Award, and Hu Chongming, Chairman of Shanghai Heitaohudong Network Technology Co., Ltd., Management Consultant of Beijing Zhongkai Law Firm and outstanding alumnus of CUPL, were also present at the event. More than 500 people attended the meeting, including members of the 8th and 9th Qian Duansheng Law Research Achievements Award Council and Award Committee, representatives of the winners, representatives of the scientific research management departments and scholars of the winning units, heads of administrative offices, schools and research institutes, faculty and student representatives, as well as journalists from media outlets such as Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, Guangming Daily and CNR News.

After the award ceremony, Forum on the Rule of Law in China was convened. With the theme of "Constructing China's Independent Legal Knowledge System", experts and scholars from all walks of life were invited to give keynote speeches and attended workshops.

The "Qian Duan Sheng Law Research Achievements Award" was established under the initiative of CUPL to commemorate the significant contributions of Mr. Qian Duansheng, a renowned contemporary political scientist, jurist, and educator, to legal research in China. This award, a nationally important law research honor at the ministerial and provincial level, has gained substantial support from legal professionals and society at large, making it one of the most prestigious accolades in China's legal research field. Since its inception in 2006, the award has been held for nine sessions. The 8th and 9th editions of the Qian Duansheng Law Research Achievements Award have recognized outstanding achievements in legal research. The 8th edition selected a total of 42 award-winning achievements, including 2 first prizes, 8 second prizes, 22 third prizes, and 10 nomination awards. Meanwhile, the 9th edition identified 37 award-winning achievements, including 2 first prizes, 10 second prizes, and 25 third prizes.