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Blue Book on the Rule of Law in Foreign Matters (2023), Academy for the Rule of Law, Wins the Special Award of "CTTI 2023 Outstanding Achievement Award of Think Tank"

Published:2024-01-11 | Views:

In the "Chinese Think Tank Index (CTTI) 2023 Outstanding Achievement Award of Think Tank" announced on December 11, the Blue Book on the Rule of Law in Foreign Matters (2023) was awarded the first prize. This book is edited by Huang Jin, Vice President of the China Law Society and Professor of the Academy for the Rule of Law at China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), with Kong Qingjiang, Dean of the School of International Law, and Liu Jingkun, Professor at the Academy for the Rule of Law, serving as an associate editor. The award application was submitted by Zhang Nan, Deputy Secretary-General of China Health Law Society and Party Branch Secretary of the Academy for the Rule of Law of CUPL.

The Blue Book on the Rule of Law in Foreign Matters series is the first officially published blue book in China focusing on the advancement of the rule of law in foreign matters. The Blue Book on the Rule of Law in Foreign Matters (2023) comprehensively demonstrates China’s legislative, law enforcement, and judicial practice in foreign matters from 2022 to early 2023, providing an important reference for a systematic, comprehensive and timely understanding of China's rule of law in foreign matters.