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CUPL Celebrates 71st Anniversary and Recognizes Outstanding Alumni

Published:2023-05-22 | Views:

In the afternoon of May 16, China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) held a ceremony to celebrate its 71st anniversary celebration and honor outstanding alumni at the Lecture Hall of the Student Activity Center of the Changping campus. The event was attended by President Ma Huaide, Vice President and President of the CUPL Alumni Association Feng Shiyong, heads of relevant administrative offices, and over 100 outstanding alumni and alumni workers from home and abroad. The event was chaired by Li Huan, Deputy Director of the CUPL Alumni Office.

(Celebration of the 71st anniversary of CUPL and the award ceremony for outstanding alumni, photo credit: Yin Jianfeng)

Feng Shiyong began the ceremony by conveying the well wishes from over 300,000 alumni to CUPL on its 71st anniversary. He extended a warm welcome and sincere gratitude to the guests and alumni in attendance and offered heartfelt congratulations to the awardees. Feng emphasized that alumni are the valuable assets and representatives of the university. The annual celebration and award ceremony for outstanding alumni aims to acknowledge the gratitude for their education, allow them to revisit their alma mater and share their growth experience, establish role models for CUPL, showcase the quality of talent, and inspire future generations. He encouraged the alumni to be driven, become outstanding individuals in the new era, internatlize the spirit and values of CUPL, and create a new chapter that brings honor to both their alma mater and the current times.

(Feng Shiyong delivering speech, photo credit: Yin Jianfeng)

This year, a total of 118 outstanding alumni and 20 outstanding alumni workers were recognized. Huang Ruiyu announced the commendation decision, and President Ma Huaide presented honorary medals to the outstanding alumni, while Feng Shiyong awarded medals to the outstanding alumni workers.

(Ma Huaide presenting medals to outstanding alumni, photo credit: Yin Jianfeng)

(Feng Shiyong presenting medals to outstanding alumni workers)

Ma Huaide also presented appointment certificates Wang Junwei, Chairman of Hebei Kindo Group, and He Xinxiang, Chairman of Beijing He Shi Tian Xiang Culture Co.,Ltd., in recognition of their position as university directors.

During the donation ceremony, Dai Zhiyong, director of Leaqual Law Firm and an alumnus of the class of 1993, donated 1.6 million RMB to support the university’s construction and development; East & Concord Partners donated 2.6 million RMB, which was allocated for naming a classroom and supporting the CUPLer Marathon event. Alumni from the class of 1987 contributed 816,095.16 RMB to establish the “Tuo Huangniu” Education Fund, and Be Wu & Associates G.P. donated 1 million RMB to support the Youth League, Student Union and alumni activities of CUPL. Feng Shiyong presented donation certificates to the representatives of the donors.

(CUPL President Ma Huaide delivering speech, photo credit: Yin Jianfeng)

President Ma Huaide expressed warm congratulations to the honored outstanding alumni and alumni workers and extended festive greetings to all faculty, students, and staff members. He also expressed sincere gratitude to various sectors of society for their long-term support and care for the university. President Ma provided an overview of CUPL’s achievements in disciplines, talent cultivation, research, faculty development, social services and livelihood security over the past year. He urged the alumni to deepen their connection with their alma mater, support each other, and grow together, contributing their wisdom and strength to China’s modernization.

Before the ceremony, a short video prepared by the Alumni Office showcased the good wishes from alumni branches around the world to their alma mater.

The ceremony concluded with a recitation performance titled “Seven Decades of CUPL, I am Part of a Strong Nation”.