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CUPL Fully Carries Out the COVID-19 Vaccination Program

Published:2021-03-25 | Views:

Following the arrangements of Beijing Municipality, CUPL has provided the first dose of COVID-19 vaccination since March 21. Calling on everyone to voluntarily get registered for the vaccination program, the university now provides vaccines for its students, faculty and staff in a step-by-step and ordered manner.

CUPL Council attaches great importance to this vaccination program. Through careful preparation and thorough discussion, it has made great efforts to mobilize students, faculty and staff, and to ensure that the program was carried out in a smooth and orderly way. Through this university-wide vaccination program, it is hoped that the health of all CUPLers will be safeguarded against the coronavirus (COVID-19) and that immunity will be produced to reduce infection risks.

The vaccination program was carried out both in Qiyun Gymnasium at the Changping campus and in Complex Building at the Haidian Campus.

Since the start of COVID-19 vaccination program on March 21, vaccination has been carried out smoothly. Students, faculty and staff came to the vaccination sites according to appointments. Enthusiastic volunteers provided guidance to the participants. In Qiyun Gymnasium, people filled out forms of informed consent, received counseling from medical staff, confirmed personal information, and got vaccinated in an orderly manner. Medical workers listened carefully and answered earnestly questions concerning the vaccination from students, faculty and staff. As part of the contingency plan, medical workers from the Changping District Hospital stood by for any possible emergency events and referral needs. The Security Office, the Logistics Support Office cooperated with volunteers to ensure that vaccination program was carried out in a rapid, orderly, safe and efficient manner.

All CUPL leaders set an example of receiving COVID-19 vaccines. During the vaccination program, Hu Ming, Council Chair of CUPL, and President Ma Huaide, came to the vaccination sites to visit vaccine receivers, volunteers, medical staff, and logistic staff.

Now, the first doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been provided for CUPL students, faculty and staff at the Changping Campus in an organized way; vaccination will begin on March 28 at the Haidian Campus. It is estimated that more than 18000 students, faculty and staff will get vaccines in the two campuses. Each person will receive two doses of the vaccine, with an interval of 21 days. The School Hospital will continue to promote vaccination efforts so as to build immunity on the campuses.