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The 2021 CUPL Freshmen Track & Field Meet Held Successfully

Published:2021-03-28 | Views:

On March 26, the 2021 China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) Freshmen Track & Field Meet was successfully held under warm sunshine and with gentle breeze at the Changping Campus. Following strict COVID-19 protocol, CUPL had made contingency plans to ensure smooth game.

On call area, the entrance & exit staffs checked the lists and counted the athletes to ensure order at the entrance. Outside the field, the stewards pulled up the red line and maintained the order of the scene dutifully. At the finish line, the referees worked accurately and patiently to deliver fair results. On the field, the athletes strove for honors for their schools. On the spectator stand, the spectators were waving flags and shouting encouraging words for the athletes. At the peripheral of the field, medical workers and volunteers prepared warm water and glucose for the athletes. All these snapshots are the most memorable scenery of this year's sports meet.

All athletes participated in this meet with great passion, high spirit, aspiration for excellence, and the spirit of solidarity. After a day's fierce competition, the School of Civil, Commercial and Economic Law, the School of International Law and the School of Criminal Justice won the top three places in group A. The School of Foreign Studies, the School of Sociology and the School of Humanities won the top three places in group B. The School of Law, the School of Political Science and Public Administration, the School of Business, the School of Marxism, the Guangming School of Journalism and Communication, the School of International Education, and the School of Information Management for Law won the Sports Ethic Awards.