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CUPL Holds the 2021 Working Meeting on Employment and Entrepreneurship for 2021 Graduates

Published:2021-03-19 | Views:

On March 12, the Working Meeting on Employment and Entrepreneurship for 2021 Graduates and the Awarding Ceremony of Employment and Entrepreneurship for 2020 Graduates were held in the Academic Lecture Hall at the Changping Campus of CUPL. Hu Ming, Council Chair of CUPL, President Ma Huaide of CUPL and Vice President Li Xiuyun attended the event. Heads of relevant administrative offices, school and departments, as well as 2021 graduates’ counselors also participated in the event. The event was moderated by Vice President Li.

For the purpose of providing better vocational education and tailored employment counseling for college students, CUPL has summoned talents and pooled together resources from various schools and departments and has set up several employment and entrepreneurship workshops. During the meeting, the workshops, including army enrollment, civil service exam, local government service, internship programs of international organizations, and etc., were officially unveiled by CUPL leaders. Heads of relevant administrative offices and counselor representatives shared their work experience on graduate employment and entrepreneurship, discipline construction and alumni work; they also had an in-depth exchange of ideas on future work plan for graduate employment and entrepreneurship.