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Civil, Commercial and Economic Law School Holds an International Workshop on “Fiscal Countermeasures Addressing COVID-19”

Published:2021-03-16 | Views:

On March 12 and 13, the Fiscal, Tax and Financial Law Institute of CUPL, Department of Law, University of Ferrara, and the Center for Fiscal and Tax Law of CUPL co-organized an International Workshop on “Fiscal Countermeasures Addressing COVID-19: A Comparative Survey”. The workshop was held both online and offline. Experts and scholars from domestic and foreign universities, including University of Ferrara (Italy), University of Bologna (Italy), Diponegoro University (Indonesia), Higher School of Economics (Russia), Allameh Tabataba’i University (Iran), Tilburg University (Netherlands), Pablo de Olavide University (Spain), University of Lyon (France), China University of Political Science and Law, Capital University of Economics and Business, Nanchang University, and China Taxation Magazine House of STA were invited to attended the workshop.

During the two-day workshop, Chinese and foreign experts and scholars from eight different countries shared their national experiences on fiscal countermeasures addressing COVID-19 and discussed in depth how the fiscal and tax law systems were affected by the pandemic and how to improve the relevant systems.