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Six National First-Class Undergraduate Programs and Three Provincial Level First-Class Undergraduate Programs Approved

Published:2021-02-22 | Views:

Recently, the Ministry of Education (MOE) made public the List of National and Provincial First-Class Undergraduate Programs for year 2020. Six out of the seven programs submitted by CUPL were approved, i.e. Philosophy, Economics, International Politics, English, International Business, and Public Administration, as national first-class undergraduate programs; and all of the three programs submitted were approved as provincial first--class undergraduate programs, i.e. Chinese Language and Literature, Applied Psychology, and Business Administration. Up to now, out of all 26 undergraduate programs of CUPL (including two programs that only confer degrees and don't recruit students), 12 programs have been listed as national first-class undergraduate programs, two as first-class undergraduate programs in Beijing, and four as provincial first-class undergraduate programs.