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CUPL Delegation Led by Council Chair Prof. Shi Yajun Visits Taiwan and Hong Kong

Published:2016-05-11 | Views:

From April 18 to 27, a CUPL Delegation led by Prof. Shi Yajun, CUPL Council Chair, was invited to visit 13 colleges and universities, judicial institutions and social organizations in Taiwan and Hong Kong. The delegation also attended the "2016 Cross-Strait & Australia Higher Education Forum", and met with Mr. Huo Zhenyu and other famous leaders of the business community.

During the visit, Prof. Shi introduced in detail the unique status and special advantages of CUPL. CUPL was described as one of China’s top universities listed under the "Project 211" and "Project 985" as well as one of the initiators of the "2011 Plan" to establish the Collaborative Innovation Center of Judicial Civilization. Prof. Shi also introduced the plans and prospects of making CUPL a "world-class university with top-notch disciplines". The heads of colleges and universities, judicial institutions and social organizations in Taiwan and Hong Kong spoke highly of CUPL’s achievements and expressed a sincere wish to deepen cooperation with CUPL.

After the meetings, CUPL reached a goal to establish a comprehensive cooperation with the University of Hong Kong and Chinese University of Hong Kong. CUPL signed cooperation agreements and students exchange agreements with Shixin University, Kainan University and the University of Hong Kong respectively, and gained a consensus with the Hong Kong SAR Department of Justice on signing a bilateral cooperation agreement and made arrangements for sending internship students. At the same time, CUPL also reached an agreement with the University of Hong Kong on cooperation via the Judicial Civilization Collaborative Innovation Center in CUPL. CUPL has carried on extensive communication and discussion with 11 colleges and universities about further expanding and deepening inter-school cooperation, facilitating comprehensive and multidisciplinary communication, and other issues. The visit was very successful and fruitful.