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CUPL President Huang Jin Meets with the Dutch Ambassador to China Ronald Keller

Published:2016-05-11 | Views:

On the afternoon of May 4, 2016, H. E. Mr. Ronald Keller, Dutch ambassador to China, visited CUPL Changping Campus and delivered a speech at the Ambassador Forum. President Huang Jin extended his warm welcome to the Ambassador on behalf of CUPL.

President Huang Jin briefed the guest on our Ambassador Forum, which is a high-level platform for the international exchange of legal studies and cultures. Established in 2006, the Forum has invited ambassadors from 26 countries and regions, including the European Union, the United States, Russia, and Germany, to give lectures and speeches. This is the first time for CUPL to receive the Dutch ambassador to China. President Huang Jin said that CUPL attached great importance to the cooperation with the Netherlands, and has already established partnerships with 7 Dutch universities, including Leiden University, Groningen University, and Maastricht University. Faculty and student exchanges have increased while cooperation between CUPL and international organizations and institutions has become more vigorous, such as with CUPL's relationship with the International Court of Justice and the International Arbitration Court in The Hague. President Huang Jin expressed his desire to further deepen mutual understanding and to expand cooperation through the ambassador's visit.

Ambassador Keller said that he would continue to facilitate cooperation between CUPL and universities and institutions in the Netherlands by building more contacts between the two sides and providing more scholarships, joint study programs and joint research projects.

After the meeting, Ambassador Keller delivered an excellent speech for the students with the title "The Netherlands: The Open, Creative and International". Clemens Richter, the European Dean of China-EU School of Law, served as the moderator and some hundreds of Chinese and foreign students listened to the speech.

Finally, Ambassador Keller wrote on the message board, "Thank you for inviting me and meeting students and professors of one of the world's leading universities!"