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Barbados Delegation Led by Principal of UWI Cave Hill Visits CUPL

Published:2016-04-01 | Views:

From March 16 to 22, Ms. Eudine Barriteau, Principal of the University of the West Indies, Cave Hall (UWI Cave Hill), and her party paid a visit to CUPL. By holding a series of exchange activities with CUPL and its supervisory bodies, the delegation achieved multiple gratifying results. The other visiting delegates were Mr. David Berry, Dean of UWI Cave Hill Law School, Ms. Jennifer E. Obidah, Dean of its Faculty of Humanities & Education & Senior Lecturer, Policy and Planning, Mr. Francois Jackman and Mr. Song Qingbao, two Co-Directors of the Confucius Institute at UWI Cave Hill (CI at UWI Cave Hill).

The delegation visits Hanban (Confucius Institute Headquarters) accompanied by CUPL Vice President, Prof. Ma Huaide.

On the morning of March 18, Principal Barriteau and her party visited Hanban (Confucius Institute Headquarters) in the company of CUPL Vice President, Prof. Ma Huaide. Ms. Xu Lin, Director General of Hanban and Chief Executive of the Confucius Institute Headquarters, Mr. Wang Yongli, Deputy Director General and Deputy Chief of the same Institution, as well as Ms. Ren Shifang, Deputy Chief of Hanban's Division of American and Oceanian Confucius Institutes, warmly greeted their Barbadian visitors. Ms. Xu Lin expressed her delight at the notable achievements made by CI at UWI Cave Hill in its initial year. She hoped that the Confucius Institute could not only further the cultural exchanges between China and the Caribbean region, but also promote the mutual understanding and friendship between the two sides. She stressed that Hanban would spare no efforts to support the development of CI at UWI Cave Hill as in the past. Principal Barriteau expressed her gratitude to Ms. Xu for her warm welcome. She pointed out that, as the first country to establish diplomatic ties with New China in the Caribbean region, Barbados had always paid close attention to maintaining a sound relationship with China. Acting as a bridge and a link between the two sides, CI at UWI Cave Hill would continue making great efforts to push forward comprehensive exchanges between China and Barbados, and even between China and the whole Caribbean region. Other related personnel, such as Ms. Xu Lan, Head of CUPL Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, and Ms. Li Dandan, Director of CUPL Office of Confucius Institutes, were also present at the meeting.

President Huang Jin hosts a lecture given by Principal Barriteau

On the afternoon of March 21, Principal Barriteau delivered a lecture titled “Creating Leaders in Caribbean Educational Systems”, which was hosted by President Huang. In her speech, Principal Barriteau briefed the audience on the education situation of Barbados and of the Caribbean region. She analyzed a set of important elements which played vital roles in the creation of leaders from different angles. After the lecture, Principal Barriteau answered questions asked by our teachers and students at the venue. President Huang thought highly of the lecture and made acomment on it full of humor and wit. He remarked that he was deeply impressed by the lively atmosphere on the spot, especially by its interactive section. The lecture achieved complete success.

On the afternoon of March 18, the delegation had a friendly informal discussion with Prof. Li Juqian, Vice Dean of CUPL School of international Law, Prof. ZhuLijiang, Associate Professor Lan Hua and student representatives of our Moot Court Team. Hosts and guests briefed each other on their achievements in Moot Court Competitions as well as their advantages in that area. Meeting attendees even thoroughly discussed the possibilities of organizing a friendly match or an invitational match between the two sides, with the aim of learning from each other and achieving common progress.

On the morning of March 19, the delegation held talks with Prof. Zhang Baosheng, Director of CUPL Collaborative Innovation Center of Judicial Civilization, Ms. Xu Lan, Head of CUPL Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, Prof. Zhang Zhong, Associate Dean of CUPL Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Science, Ms. Li Dandan, Director of CUPL Office of Confucius Institutes and Dr. Wang Zhuhao, a teacher of our university. The two sides held in-depth talks on the planned establishment of a China-Caribbean Legal Research Centre and reached a preliminary agreement on it.

On the afternoon of March 21, Ms. Jennifer E. Obidah, Dean of Faculty of Humanities & Education & Senior Lecturer, Policy and Planning at UWI Cave Hill held a meeting with Mr. Liu Kunlun, Vice-Director of CUPL Research and Evaluation Center of Legal Education, Associate Professor Liu Xiaonan and Associate Professor Li Huimin. The two sides had a fruitful discussion on the matter of academic cooperation concerning pedagogy.

The delegation visits Ministry of Education and China Law Society, accompanied by CUPL personnel.

While they were in town, the delegation also visited the Ministry of Education (MoE), China Law Society (CLS) and other related institutions accompanied by CUPL staff. Ms. Chen Yinghui, Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges of MoE, Mr. Yan Bingchen, Head of MoE Supervising Division of School-Operations with Foreign Elements met with the delegation. The two sides held in-depth talks on how to smoothly implement programs concerning Chinese-foreign cooperation in operating schools. Mr. Gu Zhaoming, Director of CLS International Department and Mr. Pan Xinyan, Head of CLS International Division II, also met with our Barbadian delegates. Hosts and guests exchanged ideas in a cordial and friendly atmosphere and inked a Memorandum of Cooperation at the end of the meeting. The two sides expressed their common wish to establish and maintain a long-term cooperative relationship and to carry out diverse exchanges in the years ahead.

By attending a series of meetings and exchange activities with its Chinese counterparts, UWI Cave Hill Delegation gained a deeper understanding of CUPL. Our Barbadian guests spoke highly of the outstanding achievements our university had scored over the years in multiple fields including law education, law research, talent training and internationalized school-operations. In the future, the two universities will continue to deepen their multi-faceted cooperation by using CI at UWI Cave Hill as the ideal exchange platform. This in turn will give impetus to the consolidation of the exchange and collaboration between China and Barbados, and even between China and the whole Caribbean region in the long run.