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CI Co-sponsored by CUPL & UWI Cave Hill Holds Its 2nd Board Meeting

Published:2016-03-30 | Views:

On the afternoon of March 18, 2016, at the Haidian Campus, the Confucius Institute (CI at UWI Cave Hill) jointly-operated by CUPL and the University of the West Indies at Cave Hill (UWI Cave Hill) held its second board meeting. The attendees of this meeting were Pro Vice-Chancellor of UWI & Principal of UWI Cave Hill, Ms. Eudine Barrieau, Dean of UWI Cave Hill Law School, Mr. David Berry, Foreign Co-Director of CI at UWI Cave Hill, Mr. Francois Jackman, CUPL President, Prof. Huang Jin, CUPL Vice-President, Prof. Ma Huaide, Dean of CUPL College of Comparative Law, Prof. Gao Xiang, Director of CUPL Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, Prof. Xu Lan and Chinese Co-Director of the said Confucius Institute, Prof. Song Qingbao. Barbados Ambassador to China, Dr. Chelston Brathwaite was also invited to participate in the meeting. The session was hosted by Prof. Ma Huaide.

First President Huang Jin delivered his welcome speech. Then according to the agenda, the two sides unanimously adopted the amended list of the Board Members after the person in charge of it explained the changes. Director Song Qingbao summarized the work completed by CI at UWI Cave Hill in 2015. Its Foreign Co-Director Francois Jackman then explained the Institute’s work plan of 2016-2017 which covered important projects such as the building construction plan of CI at UWI Cave Hill, the founding plan of its HSK Exam Center, the program concerning the joint establishment of a Sino-Caribbean Law Research Center, the arrangements to co-host moot court competitions, as well as the scheme to further promote the academic and cultural exchange between teachers and students of the two partners. The two sides expressed their views on those matters and reached a preliminary consensus on all of them.

Ambassador Chelston Brathwaite also took the chance to make remarks. He congratulated the aforesaid Confucius Institute on its achievements, expressed his expectations on its development potential in the future, and contributed his personal suggestions on its further healthy growth.

Prof. Huang made a concluding speech. He pointed out that it’s a magic that the two universities so far away from each other could join hands to create this Confucius Institute. He also expressed his wishes that the two sides would further their cooperation with sincerity and dedication, not only to run the Institute successfully in the coming years, but also to jointly elevate their interscholastic collaboration and exchange in multiple areas. Subsequently this collaboration and exchange would boost the cooperative exchanges between CUPL and its local friends in the entire Caribbean Area.

As the last part of the session, Prof. Ma Huaide announced that the 2nd board meeting of CI at UWI Cave Hill had come to a successful end.

It was reported that, while they were in town, Barbadian delegates took turns to visit Hanban (Confucius Institute Headquarters), China Law Society, the Ministry of Education and other related Beijing institutions. In addition, they also managed to find time to carry out a series of exchanges on our campus.