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VC of Swansea University and His Party Visit CUPL

Published:2016-04-07 | Views:

On the afternoon of March 28, 2016, CUPL Vice-President,Prof. Ma Huaide, met the Vice-Chancellor of Swansea University (Prifysgol Abertawe), Prof. Richard B Davies and his party at the Haidian Campus.

Vice-President Ma Huaide extended a warm welcome to Richard Davies and his party, and briefed them on CUPL information including its school operating history, curriculum development, and talent training. When talking about international cooperation, he stated that CUPL has always attached great importance to internationalized school operations, and has carried out wide-ranging and multitier international cooperation and exchanges with over 170 prestigious universities from more than 40 countries and regions. Ma Huaide mentioned that, Swansea University is known for its vibrant research and studies. In addition, a group of its academic subjects, such as international commercial law and maritime law, are among the best in the UK. On the basis of the Intercollegiate General Agreement on Academic Cooperation which was later signed by the two sides, CUPL expressed eagerness to join hands with Swansea University, and actively implement related programs like student and teacher exchanges, summer schools to be held in China, etc.

Richard Davies said that it was his great honor to visit our university, and he was very happy to learn that his university had made a cooperative deal with CUPL----a Leader in China’s law studies. He pledged that his university would fully support the cooperation on respective key disciplines of the two partners, especially in the areas of joint research, scholar exchanges, joint training of doctoral degree candidates, etc. Davies also invited Ma Huaide to visit Swansea University at a convenient time and give academic lectures on its campus.

Soon afterwards, Ma Huaide and Davies signed the aforesaid Intercollegiate General Agreement onbehalf of the two universities. Meanwhile, the two sides also agreed to sign a Summer Program in China Agreement and a Student Exchange Agreement by mail between CUPL School of International Law and the College of Law at Swansea University.