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Pro-Rector of University of Lodz Visits CUPL

Published:2016-03-10 | Views:

On the morning of January 7, 2016, at Haidian Campus, CUPL Vice-President, Prof. Ma Huaide, met with Prof. Zofia Wysokińska, Pro-Rector of University of Lodz (UL), Prof. Roman Tarnowski, Director of UL School of Polish for Foreign Students, as well as their colleagues.

Prof. Ma extended his warm welcome to Prof. Wysokińska and her party on behalf of our university for their first visit, and briefly reviewed CUPL’s cooperation with Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC), especially that with Poland. Prof. Ma indicated that CUPL was one of the first 14 higher education institutions in China to join the “Association of China &CEEC Colleges and Universities” in 2014. After our university became a member of that Association, it has spared no effort in expanding and deepening the exchange and cooperation with Poland over the years. For example, CUPL has joined hands with University of Warsaw to carry out an array of programs including teacher and student exchanges, jointly organized student forums. Besides, CUPL has also managed to establish and maintain a solid bilateral collaboration with Adam Mickiewicz University and the Jagiellonian University respectively. Based on this good development momentum, Prof. Ma expressed his hope that the two sides could further their mutual understanding, help to meet each other’s needs, and explore new cooperation dimensions in the future.

Prof. Wysokińska expressed her happiness to visit CUPL and briefed her hosts on UL information, such as its history, its curriculum setting, its international cooperation, etc. She mentioned with pride that the internationalization of UL ranks top in Poland: it has offered a variety of courses teaching in English, such as jurisprudence, economics, finance & management, etc. Prof. Wysokińska also indicated that the “2+2 Talent Training Mode” concluded by UL and some Chinese colleges and universities has obtained approval from the Ministry of Education of China. In order to facilitate the smooth implementation of that Mode, UL set up a School of Polish for Foreign Students on its campus, providing specially-tailored Polish language courses for foreigners. By attending them, foreign students could accommodate themselves comfortably to the study and life in Poland at a faster rate.

After that, the two sides expressed their common desire to establish an interschool cooperative partnership in the coming days, and to promote their cooperation in areas like teacher and student exchanges, joint academic research and so on.