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CUPL Launches Its First English International Periodical: the Journal of Forensic Science & Medicine

Published:2015-12-29 | Views:

As a fruitful result of the joint effort of the Collaborative Innovation Center of Judicial Civilization (CICJC) and CUPL Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Science, the Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine successively launched its first issue recently, which is by far the only full English international journal specialized in that academic field and whose sponsor is located within the boundaries of China.The Journal had published its debut issue and second issue in this past May and November according to plan. From next year onward, the Journal will become a quarterly. The abbreviation of the Journal is JFSM (ISSN: 2349-5014, E-ISSN:2455-0094). Both its global online open access and the distribution of its printed version are operated in cooperation with a renowned international publisher--Wolters Kluwer. At present, JFSM’s online platform runs smoothly while calling for home and abroad contributions. The Journal also provides readers with a user-friendly mobile interface APP.

JFSM’s editorial board is composed of some 50 notable international and domestic experts and scholars in related fields (about 30 and 20 respectively), including two academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in the field of forensic science and medical jurisprudence, namely professors Liu Yao and Cong Bin. Dr. Li Ling, an American Chinese, was appointed as the chief editor of JFSM. Professor Li Ling is currently a medical examiner of the Maryland Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (Maryland OCME), and is also a forensic pathologist and a professor at the Medical College within the University of Maryland.

JFSM covers a wide range of inter-disciplinary topics on science and medical research, overlapping with law studies. Its main columns are: “original research articles”, “reviews”, “case reports”, “brief communications”, “editorials”, “commentaries”, “letters to the editor”, etc.

For more information on JFSM and its published articles, please visit its official website: