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A Teaching Unit of CI at UB Stages Christmas Performance

Published:2015-12-29 | Views:

On the evening of December 10th, 2015, Aristocratic Cats Kindergarten, one of the teaching units operated by the Confucius Institute at the University of Bucharest (CI at UB) staged a fantastic performance to greet the arrival of Christmas. Zhong Haoyang and Zang Tianxiong, two volunteer teachers of CI at UB who were teaching at this unit, were invited to participate in the show.

The place was well decorated and illuminated, adding a joyous and festive air to the venue. Parents came to watch the show in high spirits, and tightly packed the tiny space around the stage. About 20 Romanian kids dressed in Christmas costumes, played the role of the big bad wolf, a group of white little rabbits and their Mama respectively, and sang the Chinese children’s song “My Dear Little Rabbits” together with angelic voice, cute facial expression and lovely body movements. Their wonderful performance not only brought great joy to the audience, but also vividly demonstrated the teaching achievement of CI at UB, and won waves of warm applause from the spectators.

After the end of the performance, Zhong Haoyang extended his festival greetings to teachers and students of Aristocratic Cats Kindergarten on behalf of CI at UB, and distributed Chinese-Romanian Bilingual textbooks as gifts to his host. The staff of the Kindergarten expressed their gratitude for the excellent teaching job CI at UB has done on its campus, and hoped the two sides could further their cooperation in the coming new year.