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Mr. Patrick Chan, the Hon Justice of HK Court of Final Appeal, Conducts a Serial of Academic Activities at CUPL

Published:2014-05-08 | Views:

From April 6 to 20, 2014, Mr. Justice Chan Siu-oi, CUPL’s Specially-Engaged Professor, Director of the Center of Hong Kong Law Research as well as the Honorable Justice of HKSAR Court of Final Appeal visited our campus and carried out a series of academic activities.

On April 10 and April 17, Mr. Justice Chan delivered a lecture titled “The Function and Position of HK Court of Final Appeal in the Basic Law’s Implementation” to both teachers and students at the Xueyuan Lu Campus and the Fuxue Lu Campus respectively. On April 18, Mr.Justice Chan elaborated on the principles and methods the Court of Final Appeal firmly applied in the cases concerning human rights to our teaching staff and students in Xueyuan Lu Campus. The lecture was delivered under the topic of “International Conventions and their impacts upon the Protection of Human Rights in Hong Kong”. Mr. Justice Chan’s excellent speech garnered much applause from the audience.

Aside from these activities, on April 14 and 16, Mr. Justice Chan also managed to find time to interview 49 student candidates applying for his course “General Principles of the Common Law” in the next semester. After careful consideration of all the filed applications, his impressions of every student in the twin interviews,as well as the regular academic achievements of those examinees, he graded every one of them by referring to their foreign language ability and their capacity for logical reasoning. Ultimately, 30 applicants were chosen to form his planned class.

During his stay on campus, Mr. Justice Chan was also invited to hold separate talks with Huang min, President (Editor-in-Chief) of Law Press China, Li Shuzhong,Vice-President of CUPL and Xu Lan, Head of the Office of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Affairs at our University. These Talks focused on how to better conduct the work undertaken by the Center of Hong Kong Law Research. Meanwhile, certain preliminary agreements were reached in those meetings, such as publishing journals concerning Hong Kong Laws, arranging our students’ further internships in HK Court of Final Appeal, as well as jointly holding academic seminars on The Basic Law of HKSAR in the future.