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CUPL President Huang Jin Meets with Plymouth University Delegation

Published:2012-06-21 | Views:

On the afternoon of June 13, 2012, CUPL President Huang Jin met with a delegation from Plymouth University (PU). The visitors included Professor Simon Payne, Dean of PU Law School; Professor Peter Ingram, PU International Department Director; and, Professor Richard Li-Hua, Member of Strategic management and Development Department of PU Business School. Li Guoqiarng, Vice-director of CUPL Office of International Cooperation and Exchange also attended the meeting.

After he acquainted himself with the cooperation programs between other British universities and CUPL, Dean Payne expressed PU’s willingness to join the cooperation league, leading to PU becoming another key British partner in CUPL’s international cooperation program. Both universities exchanged ideas about establishing a joint Sino-British Research Center, launching a student exchange program, summer programs, and other collaborative possibilities.