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CUPL Delegation Led by Council Chair Hu Ming Visits France, Switzerland, and UNESCO to Promote International Cooperation and Training in Foreign-Related Legal Talents

Published:2024-07-12 | Views:

From June 19 to 26, Prof. Hu Ming, Council Chair of China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), led a delegation to visit renowned universities in France and Switzerland, as well as some UN agencies. They participated in higher education exchange and cooperation activities co-hosted by the Ministries of Education of China and France. The delegation engaged in discussions with institutions such as Sciences Po Paris, UNESCO, and UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research), achieving multiple cooperation agreements. Notably, they signed an internship and training cooperation agreement with UNITAR. Additionally, they paid official visits to the Chinese Delegation to UNESCO and the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Switzerland to enhance collaboration. During the visit, Prof. Hu met with CUPL alumni working in French universities and international organizations. The visit enhanced cooperation among CUPL and foreign university partners, expanded exchange, internship, and practical work opportunities for faculty and students in foreign institutions and UN agencies and remarkably elevated CUPL's presence on the global stage. The visit yielded fruitful results in promoting high-level education opening.

On the morning of June 20, Prof. Hu led his delegation to visit Sciences Po Paris. Both sides had in-depth discussions on student and young teacher exchanges, summer school, and internship opportunities for applied law Ph.D. students. In the afternoon, Prof. Hu met with Wang Ying, Deputy Representative of the Chinese Delegation to UNESCO. In the evening, Prof. Hu participated in the China-France education exchange event attended by the Ministers of Education from both countries.

On June 21, Prof. Hu and his delegation visited UNESCO headquarters in Paris, holding discussions with four departments of UNESCO on faculty exchanges, student internships, and practical teaching. They met with Ayna Karliyeva-Mekouar, a senior official in the Human Resources Department; Sun Jia, a project officer; Anna Sidorenko, Secretary of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict; Mayer-Robitaille Laurence, Secretary of the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions; Zhao Zhehao, a project officer; and Santiago Villalpando, Director of International Standards and Legal Affairs. In the talks, Prof. Hu introduced CUPL’s recent developments, analyzed the main factors affecting the effectiveness of training in foreign-related legal talents and improving the quality of talent cultivation based on the university's faculty and disciplines, and proposed three cooperation suggestions: selecting outstanding students for internships and practical training at UNESCO, having university experts undertake specific research projects according to UNESCO's needs, and inviting UNESCO experts to CUPL for academic exchanges or to teach international courses. Both sides clarified their cooperation intentions and reached a consensus on deepening cooperation.

At noon on June 21, Prof. Hu and his delegation visited Ambassador Yang Xinyu, the representative of the Chinese Delegation to UNESCO. Ambassador Yang expressed further support for CUPL in actively sending young scholars and intern researchers to international organization and training foreign-related legal talents.

On the evening of June 21 and the morning of June 22, Prof. Hu met with France-based CUPL Alumni. On the evening of June 22, Prof. Hu and his delegation arrived in Geneva. On June 23, they researched expanding cooperation with international organizations and training foreign-related legal talents, holding discussions with professionals engaged in long-term international student programs.

On the morning of June 24, Prof. Hu and his delegation visited UNITAR in Geneva, Switzerland. They were received by Michael Chiribau and Elisa Hu, project officers of the Multilateral Diplomacy Division of UNITAR. The two sides signed a cooperation agreement on sending interns, conducting offline and online training, and a master's program.

On the afternoon of June 24, Prof. Hu and his delegation visited the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Switzerland, meeting with Counselor Mao Jun, the Charge d'affaires, and Counselor Hou Jian, the Education Counselor. On June 25, they concluded their visit to Switzerland and France, returning to Beijing on June 26.

The CUPL delegation included Li Juqian, Director of the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange; Xu Shenjian, Dean of the School of Juris Master; Xie Zhiyong, Dean of the College of Comparative Law; and Song Bijun, Lecturer of French at the School of Foreign Studies.