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CUPL- Oxford University Joint Training Program Commences, Enhancing Cultivation of High-end Talents in Foreign-Related Rule of Law and Business

Published:2024-04-24 | Views:

On March 19, the opening ceremony of the joint training program for cultivation of high-end talents in foreign-related rule of law and business, developed by China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) and Oxford University, took place at CUPL’s Haidian Campus. Shi Jianzhong, Vice President of CUPL, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Song Nailong, Executive Dean of the Academy for Central Political and Legal Officials and Dean of the School of Continuing Education, chaired the ceremony.

Vice President Shi Jianzhong warmly welcomed the trainees of the program. He noted the significance of the program and said that the program, based on CUPL's experience in training on-job foreign-related rule of law talents in recent years, is a proactive measure to implement the CPC Central Committee's directives on strengthening foreign-related legal services and talent cultivation.

(CUPL Vice President Shi Jianzhong delivering a speech)

During the ceremony, Li Juqian, Director of the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, provided insights into the program's background, objectives, and the cooperation details between CUPL and Oxford University. He extended heartfelt congratulations on the program's initiation.

Following the ceremony, Wang Fuping, Deputy Director of the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, conducted comprehensive pre-departure training for the trainees and accompanying teachers who were set to study at Oxford University. The training covered important topics such as travel safety, foreign-related etiquette, and disciplinary regulations, ensuring a safe and smooth learning journey.

(Participants gathering for a group photo to mark the commencement of this collaborative endeavor)