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President of Belarusian State University, Karol Andrei Dmitrievich, and His Delegation Visit CUPL

Published:2024-04-22 | Views:

On the afternoon of March 22, 2024, Ma Huaide, President of China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), extended a warm welcome to Karol Andrei Dmitrievich, President of Belarusian State University (BSU), and his accompanying delegation at CUPL's Haidian Campus. The BSU delegation included Alesia Prakharenka, Vice-President for Teaching and Educational Innovation; Yaroslav Charkasky, Vice-President; and Aliaksandr Zhuk, Director of the International Affairs Office. CUPL's Vice President, Lu Chunlong, was also present at the meeting.

President Ma Huaide first welcomed Andrei Karol and his delegation for their return visit to CUPL. He reviewed the cooperations between the two universities since 2023, emphasizing the significance of the cooperation agreement signed between CUPL and BSU in laying a solid foundation for joint talent cultivation and scientific research cooperation. He expressed hope for the further implementation of the agreement, including mutual visits of teachers, research on national laws, joint student cultivation, and expansion of training and degree programs, contributing to the cultivation of legal talents in foreign affairs and educational and cultural exchanges between the two countries.

Andrei KAROL expressed gratitude for CUPL’s warm reception and provided an overview of BSU's talent cultivation and cooperation with China. He highlighted BSU's bachelor-master degree programs, English-taught programs, and online offerings. Stressing the importance of student and teacher exchanges in international cooperation, he expressed hope for closer collaboration between the two universities in these areas to strengthen the foundation of cooperation and achieve mutual development.