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The 10th Fair for the 24/25 Master’s Scholarship Programs! Back to Be Offline in 2023!

Published:2023-10-31 | Views:

On October 24, The 10th Fair on 24/25 Master’s Scholarship Programs (the Tenth Fair) was held on both the Haidian and Changping Campuses of China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL). Vice President Chang Baoguo delivered a speech at the opening ceremony, which was presided over by Li Juqian, Director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Office.

Vice President Chang Baoguo conveyed his sincere gratitude to the partners for their steadfast support to CUPL. He noted that the last three fairs were held online due to the impact of the pandemic. Fortunately this year, more than 30 representatives from 21 school partners across 11 countries gathered for the Tenth Fair, presenting valuable education resources and numerous scholarships. He expressed confidence that this event would enhance connections and mutual learning in international exchanges and collaborations among higher education institutions. He also noted that the master’s scholarship programs have expanded to 71, with 59 school partners participating. Encompassing diverse fields such as political science, international relations, public administration, public policy, literature, and linguistics, these programs offer varying degrees of tuition fee exemptions and additional allowances. Chang hoped that CUPL students would seize these opportunities to pursue their ideal programs, fostering deeper collaboration between CUPL and its school partners across a broader spectrum.

(Vice President Chang Baoguo expressing his gratitude and wishes to university partners)

Tra Pham, Assistant Dean for Graduate and International Affairs at the Ohio State University, delivered remarks as a representative. She affirmed CUPL’s accomplishments in cultivating legal talent, advancing academic research, fostering international exchanges, and strengthening cooperation. Expressing gratitude for CUPL's enduring support in master's scholarship programs and other student exchange initiatives, she expressed hope that the Tenth Fair would serve as a bridge, continuing to assist CUPL students in realizing their dreams of studying abroad.

(Tra Pham delivering a speech)

Director Li Juqian introduced foreign attendees and their respective institutions, extending a warm welcome and appreciation to them. He highlighted CUPL’s notable achievements in cultivating talent for international engagement. Notably, CUPL emerged victorious in the 32nd Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition, securing both the championship and the Best Memorial award. Additionally, CUPL excelled in the 64th Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, earning applause from the attendees.

At the conclusion of the opening ceremony, participants gathered for a group photo. Representatives from 21 educational institutions across 11 countries participated in the Tenth Fair, which took place on both the Haidian and Changping campuses. Among them, Université Politique de Paris from France and Università Luigi Guido Cali from Italy sent delegates to attend this event for the first time.

(Photo of attendees)

Delegates of international partner institutions provided detailed introductions to their programs, outlining features, advantages, alumni data, scholarships, and application requirements for CUPL students. Additionally, staff from the International Cooperation and Exchange Office actively participated in the Q&A session of the event, addressing queries from the students.

About 300 students across both campuses participated in program consultations during this event. The Tenth Fair was supported by the virous administrative departments of CUPL, including Communication Department, Academic Office, Graduate School, Security Office, and Logistics Office. This event added significant highlights to the 2023 CUPL International Culture Month.