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The 48th CUPL Track & Field Meet Held Successfully

Published:2023-05-19 | Views:

On May 13, 2023, the opening ceremony of the 48th Track & Field Meet of China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) was held at the Changping Campus. Vice President Feng Shiyong, Vice President Li Shuangchen, as well as heads of schools and relevant administrative offices, and representatives of alumni, faculty and students attended the opening ceremony.

Accompanied by the inspiring song “The March of the Athletes”, members of the CUPL national flag guard strode toward the sports field holding the solemn national flag and university flag. The vigorous and vibrant school delegates strode passed the rostrum successively. The vigor of youth triggered cheers and applause from the audience.

(Vice President Feng Shiyong making a speech, photo credit: Peng Yuzhong)

Vice President Feng Shiyong delivered a speech in which he warmly welcomed the presence of faculty, students, alumni and their children. He noted that the sports meet was a competition and a carnival of sports desired by students as well as an important opportunity for students to showcase their athletic talents and a window to demonstrate the charm of sports. The university valued sports and boasted a full-fledged sports model, mechanism, and platform with CUPL characteristics since 2017. Vice President Feng encouraged students to answer the call of school of embracing a healthy lifestyle by stepping out of their dormitories, heading to the sports field and engaging in daily physical activities. In conclusion, he shared the achievements we had scored in recent sports events and hoped the sports meet would be a great success.

(Vice President Li Shuangchen announcing the opening of the Track & Field Meet, photo credit: Peng Yuzhong)

After representatives of athlete and referee taking the oath, Vice President Li Shuangchen announced the official opening of the 48th CUPL Track & Field Meet.

(The 48th CUPL Track & Field Meet held, photo credit: Zhang Juntong)

During the two-day fierce competition, the athletes devoted themselves to competitions, spectators waved flags and cheered the athletes on, referees delivered fair and just results, and supporting staffs provided quality services to athletes while maintaining order at the sports meet.

After fierce competitions, outcomes were announced by the general referee. The Civil, Commercial and Economic Law School, the School of International Law, and Law School won top three places in group A. The School of Foreign Studies, the School of Juris Master, and the School of Sociology won top three places in group B. The School of Criminal Justice, the School of Political Science and Public Administration, the Business School, the School of International Education, the School of Information Management for Law, the School of Humanities, the School of Marxism, College of Comparative Law, Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Science, China-EU School of Law, and Guangming School of Journalism and Communication won the Sports Ethic Awards.