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The 2021 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination of CUPL Successfully Completed

Published:2021-01-06 | Views:

The 2021 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination was held from December 26 to 27. There were 124 examination rooms in CUPL, and a total of 3593 examinees took part in the examination, including 1776 examinees in 60 examination rooms at the Haidian Campus and 1817 examinees in 64 examination rooms at the Changping Campus. There were more than 450 administrators and supervisors. This year, exams for 83 subjects that had been designed independently by CUPL were all carried out and managed in a centralized and closed manner and the exam papers were all kept confidential in a unified place stipulated by the university. More than 240 teachers participated in designing the exams, and over 80 group leaders reviewed the exams questions. The goal of "zero error" in designing exam questions for five consecutive years was achieved.

The 2021 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination was a large-scale national examination held under COVID-19 prevention and control. Taking both examination security and pandemic prevention and control into account, the university not only ensured the smooth completion of the examination, but also met relevant requirements for pandemic prevention and control. The university effectively guaranteed the safety and health of examinees and staff, as well as ensured absolute confidentiality of the examination papers and order of the examination spots, thus achieving the overall goal of a safe and healthy postgraduate entrance examination.

By now, the 2021 Postgraduate Entrance Examination in CUPL has successfully came to an end. The results for the preliminary examination are expected to be released by mid-February, 2021.