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CUPL Microblog Listed as 2020 Excellent Campus News by People's Daily

Published:2020-12-28 | Views:

On December 19, the 2020 University Presidents Forum, sponsored by the People's Daily Online was held in Southern University of Science and Technology. The theme of the forum was Forging Ahead in the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan Period for High-Quality Education Development. More than 60 university presidents discussed and exchanged views on promoting university reform and development to make China a powerhouse in terms of education. Li Xiuyun, Vice President of CUPL, attended the event and delivered a speech on "Undertaking the Fundamental Task of Strengthening Morality Education".

At the forum, the winners of “Writing a New Era Chapter for High-Quality Development: 2020 Excellent Campus News by People's Daily Online” were announced. The microblog by CUPL, “A Span of 4,300 Kilometers in 8 Months: Commencing Moments of A Film by 5 Universities of Political Sciences and Law", stood out from over 700 works recommended by colleges and universities across the country. It was awarded as excellent news in the new media group, the second time after CUPL news works won this award in 2019.

The award for excellent campus news sponsored by People's Daily Online aims to display the outstanding achievements of the university media in the year, tap into the exemplary role of excellent news works, and encourage university media to pass on positive energy. Since the selection process began, over 700 works have been submitted. 17 excellent news and 20 excellent new media works emerged as winners upon review and approval.