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A Delegation from UConn, America, Visits CUPL

Published:2014-05-23 | Views:

On the morning of May 12, 2014, the newly appointed Dean of School of Law at University of Connecticut (UConn), Prof. Timothy S. Fisher, paid a visit to our university accompanied by four of his colleagues. The Dean of the Civil, Commercial & Economic Law School of CUPL, Prof. Wang Weiguo, met with the visitors at Xueyuan Lu campus.

Both sides briefed each other on their respective projects and recent developments, and reviewed the progress that they have made since the signing of a cooperation agreement in 2010. In addition, they exchanged ideas on certain matters, such as short-term student exchanges, sending CUPL students to study for LL.M. and J.S.D degrees at UConn, admitting UConn students to study for Master and Doctoral degrees at CUPL with financial assistance provided by the Chinese Government Scholarship programs, summer school programs, programs concerning teacher exchanges, joint research, and so on. The host and guests agreed to keep each other informed with detailed information concerning those potential collaborative projects by means of “menu-exchanging”. They agreed to sign the relevant agreements when a consensus was reached on those topics.