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CUPL Grants University of Vienna (UV) Professor Richard Trappl the Title of Honorary Professor

Published:2012-03-30 | Views:

On September 30, 2011, at the CUPL Chanping Campus, Chairman of the University Council Shi Yajun

and University Vice President Zhang Guilin met Professor Richard Trappl, Confucius Institute Foreign Dean at the

University of Vienna (UV) and Ms. Hardiman-Pollross Gudrun, the Austrian Embassy’s Cultural Counselor.

Shi spoke highly of Professor Trappl’s contributions in collaborations between UV and CUPL, as well as in

other China-Austria educational and cultural exchanges. For these efforts, Shi appointed Professor Trappl

CUPL Honorary Professor.

Following the ceremony, Professor Trappl gave a lecture at the Yifu Building, titled "From Ideal to Reality:

Chinese and Western Cultural Exchanges and Global Responsibility." Director Xu Lan of CUPL’s International

Cooperation and Exchange Office presided over the lecture and offered additional remarks.