Monika Prusinowska of China University of Political Science and Law teaching at China-EU School of Law

Published:2022-04-11 | Views:

Dr. Monika Prusinowska has been working at the China-EU School of Law (CUPL) since 2013. She has taught a variety of subjects including international business law, dispute resolution, and legal research and writing. Dr. Prusinowska has obtained her academic degrees both in Europe (Phd, University of Hamburg and Master's degree in Law, University of Lodz) and in China (LL.M. in Chinese Law, Tsinghua University). In her classes, she seeks to offer a comparative law, and in particular Sino-foreign, perspective.

In addition to regular teaching, Dr. Prusinowska has been involved in a number of extra-curricular activities, including moot competitions, study groups and discussion round tables at the China-EU School of Law.

"I particularly enjoy working in mixed groups, with both Chinese and foreign students, where we can learn from each other, compare the way of thinking and problem solving. Seven years of working with the China-EU School of Law students have passed so quickly! This is all about the vibrant school environment and its committed students."