
Asian Law Institute (ASLI)

In 2003, National University of Singapore (NUS), Peking University and Hong Kong University and other thirteen law schools in Asia, jointly launched the Asian Law Institute (ASLI). The acronym "ASLI", which means "indigenous" or "original" in several Asian languages, reflects the essence of the institution. ASLI strives to be a truly regional law institute in Asia. ASLI is dedicated to promoting excellence in legal research and teaching in Asia and the Asia-Pacific region at large, building a communication platform for Asian legal practitioners, and supporting them in Asian legal research. So far, ASLI has become one of the most influential platforms for legal education cooperation and exchange in Asia.

The Law School of NUS, in which the Secretariat of ASLI is based, provides administrative and financial support for ASLI. Since its establishment, more than 100 law schools in Asia or other regional institutions interested in the Asian legal system have joined ASLI. Apart from Peking University and Chinese University of Hong Kong, fourteen other law schools from Chinese universities also joined ALSI, including that of Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, University of International Business and Economics, etc. CUPL successfully joined the ASLI in 2019. Other famous member institutions include the University of Tokoyo in Japan, Seoul University in Korea, National University of Australia, British Columbia University in Canada and Moscow State University in Russia.

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