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Bacau Confucius Classroom of CI at UB Launches the Chinese Culture and Language Class Activities

On November 13, 2017, after one-week preparation, the Confucius class of Bacau Liceu Ferdinand I, which is an affiliate of the Confucius Institute at the University of Bucharest (CI at UB), held its Chinese culture and Language Class activities.

Students took a photo with the picture of Confucius

Liu Tianjie, a volunteer Chinese teacher, introduced the Confucius Classroom to the students

The classroom was full of Chinese displays and decorations, such as Chinese knot, paper cutting, calligraphy, couplet, kite, weiqi (the game of Go), Chinese chess and ping pang. Liu Tianjie, a volunteer Chinese teacher, introduced all of them to the local students. During the vote on the students’ favorite Chinese cultural activities, younger students preferred Chinese knot, paper cutting and other handworks, while middle school students preferred calligraphy and weiqi. After the vote, students’ favorite activities would be arranged into the curriculum for the new semester.

Kite was very popular among the students

Students playing Chinese chess

Besides, there is a special group of students from the Bacau Confucius Classroom, who come from Badaman, study Chinese after work and go for business trips to China regularly. By learning Business Mandarin, they hope to communicate with business partners in Chinese in the future. Therefore, teacher Liu has applied for textbook published by the Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban) on Business Mandarin for them.

The enrollment of the Bacau Confucius Classroom is still going on. Every Chinese language lover is welcomed to join the class.