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The Confucius Institute at UB holds a Calligraphy Demonstration Lesson

In order to enrich its cultural courses and enhance its students’ interest in learning Chinese, the Confucius Institute at University of Bucharest (UB) launched an entirely new sort of lesson—the calligraphy demonstration lesson on March 19, 2014. Bao shengjie, a volunteer at the Institute, was the speaker for this activity with Prof. Bai Luomi, foreign Co-Director of the Confucius Institute, acting as the interpreter. Based on his personal understanding of Chinese culture, Prof. Bai Luomi also expounded on the points made for the audience. More than 20 students from the Confucius Institute and other schools at UB participated in the activity.

It was reported that the Confucius Institute at UB would formally unveil its calligraphy class in early April to meet student demand.